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Marie-France Bellemare, new General Manager of Insertech

We are pleased to announce that Marie-France Bellemare will be the new General Manager of Insertech as of Monday, February 8, 2021.

With a Bachelor’s degree in social work (community organization) and a Master’s degree in management, Marie-France has a solid work experience in social economy, insertion enterprise, support to local and territorial development. She has been working for 4 years as an advisor at TIESS (Territoires innovants en économie sociale et solidaire), a social economy support and transfer organization.

Marie-France will be taking the leadership from the hands of Agnes Beaulieu, who is taking her leave after 22 years of exemplary dedication and work to make Insertech a model of social economy and sustainable development. Agnes will work alongside Marie-France in her new position for a short period of time to ensure a smooth transition.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts to Agnes, and welcome to Marie-France! We look forward to building on her experience and expertise to continue growing Insertech!

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