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Redesign of our break room!

At the beginning of this year, the muralists of Architecture Sans Frontières Québec – ASFQ and EN MASSE Project via their pedagogical component: En Masse Pour Les Masses, worked hard on the realization of our superb decorative mural. They were helped in the realization by some of our workers in training!

The layout also includes the addition of furniture made of reclaimed ash wood, which was manufactured by the community organization : Bois Public. Other elements of furniture and decor from reuse were also added.

This project consists of redesigning the cafeteria space and an adjacent training room to make them more user-friendly and functional, while putting forward the principles of circular economy that are strongly integrated in our values and activities. These spaces play an important role in the sense of belonging, socialization and the quality of the experience of the workers in training that we welcome, and that of the Insertech team.

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